Lucha Underground Episode Recap: The beginning of the Cueto Cup / by Naz Red

I was going to photoshop Drago's head onto Mother Theresa's but I realized it might be considered disrespectful. 

I was going to photoshop Drago's head onto Mother Theresa's but I realized it might be considered disrespectful. 

I have included this photo and quote of Mother Theresa, who I heard was an awesome gal, because of a point I would like to make about the noble art and sport of Luchador wrestling and professional wrestling in general:

The other night I watched an excellent documentary about Luchador wrestling in Mexico called “Lucha Mexico”. There is a scene in which one of the documentary’s subjects, Shocker, is having a meal at a restaurant and this father with his star struck daughter is having him sign an autograph for her. The little girl appears to be in a daze to be this close to a real live super hero. Later in the film, Shocker is injured in a match for real: his knee cap rips through his thigh. And still, months later, after grueling physical therapy and a deep depression, Shocker goes back to the ring to entertain the people, of which there are many. I feel as though while it would be silly to compare a professional wrestler to Mother Theresa, fuck you, I am making the comparison anyway (I’m sorry I didn’t mean that, forgive me).

And so that brings me to the beginning of the Cueto Cup. It all breaks down like this:


The first match was The Mack Vs Mala Suerte. The Mack, at this point, is a lovable hero and though he does not possess the traditional build of these other guys, the man can move. Mala Suerte was a lazy man, he did this move where he made it look like he was going to jump twenty feet onto The Mack who was writhing on the floor from the corner of the ring, but instead got down and tried to pin Mack just by walking over. Mala Suerte deserved to lose for that alone. Good job Mack, I always believed in you.

It was then Texano Vs. Famous B. Famous B, because of the fact that he is apparently more business man then luchador, allowed Texano to pin him just so he could sign Texano. This confirmed what I have thought of Famous B since I have come to know him, he has revealed himself for what he is: A coward.

There was a preview of Johnny Mundo and Rey Mysterio training for their big fight which will be coming soon, and then we were onto the main event: Drago vs. Aerostar. Drago, as you may know, is some sort of love slave for this lady, which is so awesome and kinky. Aerostar is a good dude, but I was happy Drago won because he’s into some cool shit with that lady, not that I would be down with that, I would take it personally if a woman yelled at me.

Thus begins the Cueto cup, limbs will be broken and lives will be ruined, if there is any lesson to be learned from this episode of Lucha Underground, it is that even though sometimes the bad guy wins, you have to keep fighting another day. And Drago is into some kinky shit.

With all of the love in the vast, beautiful, mysterious universe,

Naz Red ;)